Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Be Miner

Aw, Valentines Day. Such a consumeristic holiday. But let's just get down to the nitty gritty.

I went to a Christian college, and in order to make every girl feel good about themselves, we created 2 categories: Daters, and Waiters. I'm sure these are pretty self-explanatory, but daters were always with a guy, trying to whittle them all down until they found the perfect one. Waiters watched from afar; learned from other people's mistakes. It wasn't that they couldn't date, it was that they just hadn't found the one.

I, my friends, was a Waiter. To those of you that know me, (ahem, and my independent, stubborn tendencies, ahem...excuse me), this is probably not a surprise. I dated a little here and there, but could always tell very quickly when there was no potential. Which brings us back to Valentines Day.

Last year, Scott was my first Valentine EVER.

Which means this year, he's my second. So even though I know it's so cliche, the novelty has not yet worn off. I WANT to do something special and have a day filled with hearts and the colors pink and red. I'm so thrilled to have a Valentine - I can't let the holiday pass me over!!

So last year, we went here.

And feasted on things like this:

But this year, we want to do something different. We eat really well, and while we love eating, we don't necessarily want to just have dinner at a restaurant. Our plan as of now is to make dinner at home, light some candles, and eat at the table instead of on the couch. But we're open to ideas.

So....what do you think? What are you doing for Valentines Day? Do you think it's overrated?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Circus!!

This weekend we are going to the circus for a friend's birthday! I'm a little skeptical, but excited at the same time. I have only been to the circus one time in my entire life....and I think i was about 4.....but I do have one VERY vivid memory. I remember i went with my cousins and my uncle ron, and he bought all of us girls those wonderfully tacky light up roses!!!!

I can only hope I get that lucky the 2nd time around!!!! My goal is to actually start using the camera again.....this is such an exciting time in our lives and i want to have pictures to document it. So...hopefully I will return with wonderful fun-filled circus pictures!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ah the bliss of wedding planning. Not so blissful. BUT....most of the big decisions have been made. First, feast your eyes on this stunning inspiration board my MOH made for me:

This is what my bridesmaids will be wearing:

We've decided the location and time. Everything has been rented. The rehearsal dinner is booked. My dress is off in wedding dress land being made. Almost ALL of the big decisions have been made.........except for one major one. we STILL have not booked our honeymoon. We just can't decide where to go!!!! i'm totally into the whole bed draped with gauzy white fabric thing, with a total tahitian feel....without the super long flight.

So come on......give us some suggestions!!!! where did you go? where have your friends gone??? and it does NOT need to be all inclusive - we want to explore the culture!!!!!!