Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ah the bliss of wedding planning. Not so blissful. BUT....most of the big decisions have been made. First, feast your eyes on this stunning inspiration board my MOH made for me:

This is what my bridesmaids will be wearing:

We've decided the location and time. Everything has been rented. The rehearsal dinner is booked. My dress is off in wedding dress land being made. Almost ALL of the big decisions have been made.........except for one major one. we STILL have not booked our honeymoon. We just can't decide where to go!!!! i'm totally into the whole bed draped with gauzy white fabric thing, with a total tahitian feel....without the super long flight.

So come on......give us some suggestions!!!! where did you go? where have your friends gone??? and it does NOT need to be all inclusive - we want to explore the culture!!!!!!

1 comment:

Brandon and Savannah Eaton said...

No one has told you where you go. How lame. I think you should go to myrtle beach, sc or pigeon forge, tn. those places are top notch. Both have a Dixie Stampede so you're set.